Feb 22, 2023 | Book reviews
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Feb 11, 2023 | Book reviews
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Nov 24, 2022 | Book reviews
Roy Agnew: composer, pianist, teacher Rita Crews and Jeanell Carrigan This book takes its title from one of the few orchestral works by Australian composer Roy Agnew (1891-1944), largely unknown in Britain despite having spent two four or five year sojourns here...
Oct 18, 2021 | Book reviews
An Autobiography The Boydell Press This splendidly produced, generously proportioned tome gives the reader valuable insights into the life and times of Humphrey Burton, surely one of the 20th century’s most influential figures in the field of classical music. The text...
Aug 13, 2021 | Book reviews
Jeremy Dibble Boydell Press If all you knew of Delius was Brigg Fair you would think he was an English composer. If all you knew was Appalachia or the Florida Suite you would think he was an unusually good American one. If it were the Song of the High Hills, then...
Jul 20, 2021 | Book reviews
Ian Maxwell THE BOYDELL PRESS (355 pages) Ian Maxwell has been examining and researching the life and work of E J Moeran for over 15 years and this book is the distillation of these efforts into a magnificent book detailing his conclusions. The scholarship is...