Pianist Mark Bebbington and string principals from the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra are presenting under-performed British chamber works of the early 20th century at London’s Cadogan Hall in March.

The concert on 24 March at 3.30pm will feature two major piano quintets: Vaughan Williams’s early work and Elgar’s from his later years. The performance will open with John Ireland’s Phantasie Trio.

“I am delighted to be joining my Royal Philharmonic Orchestra friends for an afternoon of British chamber music, said Mark Bebbington.

“From the early romantic fervour of Vaughan Williams to the autumnal magic of late Elgar, these two masterful Piano Quintets make perfect concert companions. John Ireland was for many years a Chelsea resident and it’s therefore particularly fitting to include his youthful Phantasie Trio – a work brimming with optimism and yearning melody.”

For more information and to buy tickets, visit the Cadogan Hall website.