We were a cosy gathering in the attractively refurbished BFI foyer and screening room 2 for this year’s AGM on 27 October 2023. Monica McCabe and Anna Joubert attended the preview of the John McCabe video tribute that was preceded by a short promotional video of the Society’s next CD of Grace Williams songs.

Incidentally, if you live near Cardiff, Williams’ Second Symphony is being performing on the evening of November 2 in Hoddinott Hall; the Welsh have really taken her music to heart in recent years. The concert is also being broadcast live on Radio 3.

It was agreed by those who attended the screening of the McCabe tribute that this 38 minute film should be seen by a wider public. This means that the arduous task of clearing copyright issues needs to be addressed and this will go hand in hand with raising the revenue to cover any fees involved. Meanwhile, the Society will inform members of a date/s when a private Youtube screening is available for those of you who were unable to travel to the British Film Institute for the AGM.

Madeleine Mitchell, who also attended the meeting, is fresh back from the USA with news of her BMS Ambassadorship at Kansas State University in this E-News.

We would be very pleased to hear from any member who would be interested in joining the Committee. At the moment, the Society does not have a new Chairman, and we are currently one person short in terms of numbers on the Committee to satisfy the Charity Commission rules.

Some members have reported that they were unable to gain access to my Chairman’s address in the recent October E-News. This was due to a technical error. We are pleased to include a link below to this address for the convenience of our members – see related stories below.

With best wishes

Wendy Hiscocks
(retired Chairman, BMS)

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