The official Collectors’ Edition celebrating the composer’s life and works in his 150th anniversary year is now on sale.

Published by Choir & Organ, this anniversary edition presents a broad cross-section of the composer’s works drawing partly on archive materials from the Vaughan Williams Society’s Journal and from Choir & Organ.

Also included are new features specially written by Ralph Vaughan Williams society members and freelance writers including vice-president Roderick Williams, Nicky Spence, Kitty Whately, Mark Bebbington, Andrew Burn, David Hill, Geraint Lewis, David Wordsworth, Andrew Keener, David Goode and Tasmin Little. 

Archive contributions come from the late Michael Kennedy, the composer’s musical biographer and friend, and conductor and British music advocate Richard Hickox.

Gramophone has supplied review material, complemented by the Society’s select bibliography and listening guide – the latter reflecting different aspects of the composer’s multi-faceted personality and style. 

Today’s conductor champions have provided reminiscences of performing Vaughan Williams, with the Society’s President, Sir Andrew Davis, writing the Foreword.  Finally, an exclusive compilation CD, with 26 tracks drawn from 20 Albion Records (the Society’s recording arm), aids further listening.

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