The British Music Society AGM 2022 will be held at the Birmingham & Midland Institute on 29 October. BMS members can attend in person or join in via Zoom. A Zoom link will be sent out nearer the time together with the agenda.
BMS AGM 2022
29 October 2022, 12pm
Birmingham & Midland Institute (The George Dawson Room)
9 Margaret St, Birmingham B3 3BS
The institute is within walking distance from both Birmingham Snow Hill and Birmingham New Street stations. These stations also offer car parking.
Following the AGM you are very welcome to join us for the following optional activities:
- 12.30pm Optional lunch with the Arthur Bliss Society
- 2.30pm Talk by Paul Spicer on his book Sir Arthur Bliss: Standing Out from the Crowd
- 3.30pm Recital by Chu-Yu Yang (violin) and Eric McElroy (piano) featuring music by Cheryl Frances-Hoad, Finzi, a UK premiere by Ian Venables, Gurney and Arthur Bliss’s Violin Sonata.
Booking is needed for the events after our AGM, especially for the caterer providing lunch. Tickets are £20 for all three events (lunch, talk & recital) or £15 for only the talk & recital.
To reserve your place email Payment can be made by cheque to The Arthur Bliss Society mailed to Andrew Ellis (Treasurer) at 60 London Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL52 6EQ or by bank transfer to RBS Account No: 10110012, Sort Code: 16-16- 13) Please quote payer’s name.